Meet Nicole

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Come out and show your support for an amazing family whose daughter Nicole is entering her second battle with cancer. Nicole was born July 18, 2011.  Dec. 8, 2011 she was life flighted to Primary Children's diagnosed with AML and ALL leukemia.  She spent 10 months at Primary Children's hospital with a bone marrow transplant. Nicole was doing awesome the doctors have been amazed that she was doing so well. On February 11, 2014  Nicole got the heart breaking news that she relapsed with ALL leukemia.  She will spend all treatment at Primary's with another bone marrow transplant.
    Join us for a colorful 5k walk/run as well as 10k to raise funds to go to Nicole's medical costs. Not a runner but would still like to donate? Come out and help us color the race participants with orange! Orange is the color for leukemia awareness! After grab a bite to eat, browse local vendors and visit with old friends and make some new! Enjoy the mountain view! Great for runners and walkers of all levels!