Race information

Saturday May 3rd 2014 10:00 A.M.- 2:00 P.M. 

Blacksmith Park
Corner of 1300 East and Hyrum Blvd

The 5k and 10k non color run begins at 10:00 A.M. (MST) to accommodate our special needs participants.

The 5k and 10k color run begins at 11:00 A.M. (MST) for those wishing to participate in the color portion.

If you are participating in the 5k you will run the course once. Finishing at the 5k finish line. If you are registered to participate in the 10k you will continue on to run the course a second time. Completing the race at the 10k finish line. Participants will receive full instruction on the day of the event as they register and pick up race packets.